Monday, May 28, 2018


Nigeria returnedto democratic rule in 1999, after thirty-three years of primarily military rule. For four years, between 1979 and 1983, democracy surfaced briefly, until Buhari led a military coup to end it.... But Buhari says he is a “changed” man. Since 1999, the People's Democratic Party has governed the country until Buhari take over from PDP as APC candidate. Can we now said we are now in practicing Democracy as As president Muhammad Buhari emerge as Nigerian present?
President Muhammadu Buhari will on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 address the nation in a live broadcast to commemorate the 2018 Democracy Day.

This was revealed in a statement signed by the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Femi Adeshina, calling on media houses within the country to connect with service of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) and Radio Nigeria where the broadcast would be aired at 7am.

In less than few hours, the Nigerian president will address the nation.

Don't missed any updates as president Muhammad Buhari address Nigerian...
Catch up with live updates with us as we bring to you.

Adarehi...touching life with stories!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Can Two People have the same Fingerprints? INEC and the general public should take note,

Can Two People have the same Fingerprints? (the ten fingers, both left & right to be the same)

Two people cannot have the same fingerprints. So far as  forensic science has been able to determine, not even identical twins have exactly matched fingerprints. This helps makes the analysis of fingerprints still one of the main means in which to identify people involved in a crime.

Though fingerprints cannot be identical, they can, in fact be very similar. Two identical twins, for example will have fingerprints that to the naked eye might appear identical. In fact some fingerprint characteristics may be a result of  genetics. Thus it may be possible to preliminarily identify familial ties by examining the fingerprints of close family members

On 22.01.11 a similar case but very critical to that of our Ex - Nigerian president Obansojo  happen at a voter registration center close to my house.

I discovered that is very possible for two difference person to have the same finger print. the question is that is true? or can we say that the scanning machine is not working proper?

A young man who came to registered for voter card, at the process of registration the it was detected by the machine that this young man finger print have registered some where before. But the young man declined that he has not done this excess before. The same scanning was carry out for the second time, the machine also detected that this same finger print.

But at the long run the INEC officer decided to view the picture, this picture turn out to be an old man who own the house where this excess is being carry out.

With out any further effort this young man move out vigorously to his house. Now this implied that he cannot vote and excess his civil responsibility/right (in one way or the other he has been disenfranchised from 2011 election) 

In a nutshell: INEC should take some lapses in to consideration and provide a corrective mechanism to tackle such deficiency whereby people can not register due to lack of man power, bad machine programming, substandard INEC officers and other difficulties that may deny any body from registration.

To my our view every citizen of Nigeria have right to and be voted for

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Monday, January 17, 2011

INEC machine rejects Obasanjo’s fingerprints

INEC machine rejects Obasanjo’s fingerprints

Monday, January 17, 2011

Source: Sun News

It was a frustrating moment for former president Olusegun Obasanjo yesterday as his attempt to register in the ongoing voters’ registration was thwarted by the Direct Data Capture (DDC) machine.

Obasanjo who arrived his Ward 11, Ita-Eko, Abeokuta, the state capital at about 11.53 a.m. in company with his wife, Bola had after several rejections of his fingers by the machine offered to come back for the exercise after an overseas trip.

However, the former president who had to wait patiently for about an hour succeeded in registering after an Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Information Technology expert arrived the scene at around 12.45 p.m. and performed the registration.

Even with the presence of the INEC officials and the IT expert, the registration took about 20 minutes for the process to be completed, while the state Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC), Mr. Martins Okunfolami and other INEC officials made frantic efforts to register the former president.

Before his eventual registration, when the first DDC machine failed, the INEC team, led by the REC changed its scanner and used two different ones which also disappointed them. Fielding questions from journalists, Obasanjo cautioned Nigerians against castigating INEC over the shaky start of the exercise. According to him, it was normal for a new programme such as the DDC technology-driven voters’ registration to experience challenges at initial stage even though he stated that it was too late to call for extension of deadline for the exercise.

“Whenever you are starting a new programme like this, it's likely to have hitches until everybody masters it. Today is the second day. I believe that by the middle of this week, both the people who are carrying out the registration, the technicians, the INEC at the highest level will be able to make this work smoothly.

“So, I don't believe that we should now start to castigate and to condemn. If, of course, by the middle of the week it's not working as it should be, we will all see and then those who designed it would have to advise us how we can go about it. But for now, I believe let's regard this as the hiccup of a new process.” “Let us not prejudge them, let's give them time to think and rethink if rethinking is necessary,” Obasanjo said.

“Nigerians, be patient and let us all be determined to get ourselves registered. I have said I’m travelling tonight to Cuba, when I return; I will come and sit down here until I am registered. And as I said jocularly, if it is blood that is not running in my vein, I will go for blood transfusion to make sure that I can be registered,” he added.

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general election begins on Saturday, January 15, 2011 all over the federation.

General election in Nigeria 
One critical leg in the success or failure of the forthcoming April 2011 general election begins on Saturday, January 15, 2011 all over the federation.

It is the voters' registration exercise that will ensure that eligible voters are captured in a new national register and issued with voters' cards. That this exercise is crucial can be gleaned from the fact that one of the things that nearly marred the Delta State governorship re-run election and other elections in the past was the inability of eligible voters to find their names in the displayed register or multiple voting by individuals carrying procured voters' cards belonging to ghost voters. (source: Afrique en ligne)

In the forthcoming April 2011, Nigerian should vote for the right president, governors etc. Your vote represent the symbols of legitimate right, as a good citizen of this country, please don't sell your right.

Remember that your vector right = your future= your children future
we all deserved all the good from this nation revenue 

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NECO withholds results

Fear grips Kano students as NECO withholds results
Monday, January 17, 2011•
Source:Sun News
A pall of anxiety has gripped about 50,000 graduates of Kano State secondary schools, who were sponsored for the National Certificate Examination Council (NECO) examination by the state government.
This follows failure of the examination body to release their results months after the conduct of the examination.The Director-General, Kano State Secondary Schools Management Board, Mallam Mohammed Idris, who confirmed non release of the result, further disclosed that his board had made several unsuccessful attempts to resolve the matter.
Speaking with the media in Kano, the Director-General explained that they had not been given the exact reason behind the action, adding, however, that representatives of the examination body in the state, had travelled to Minna, Niger State, to address the matter.
He disclosed that until November, 2010, they were indebted to the body to the tune N31 million, which was as a result of the increment in its examination fees, stressing that they had earlier paid the sum of N202 million for the examination fees of the affected students only to be informed of the new rates. He stated that, “It, therefore, took us up to November, 2010, because of financial considerations. We got the money in piecemeal and it affected the way we paid.”
The Director-General also regretted that Kano State recorded a total of 24 per cent success in the current results released by the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC), adding that the poor performance was not peculiar to the state as the national performance stood at 25 per cent.He said that nationwide the result is poor and Kano is no exception even as he lamented the scarcity of qualified teachers in key subject areas, pointing out that the state is dire need of about 1600 additional secondary schools teachers, 800 of which are in the areas of English and Mathematics.
He said, however, that certain measures had been taken to rectify and improve the situation, such as upgrading requirements for the qualifying examination, intensifying the role of supervision in the state by inviting retired educationists to participate in the inspection of schools, the provision of additional teaching materials as well as introduction of new incentives to teachers of secondary schools.
He reminded the students that they were prohibited from making media statements of any nature, stressing that students of secondary school level were not allowed to speak to the press.He added that if their principals and teachers were not allowed to enjoy such privilege without clearance from appropriate authorities, mainly because they were civil servants, then such a privilege could not be extended to the students who were minors.
He added that any student caught speaking to the media would be sanctioned, saying that parents of such a student would be invited to sign an undertaking in the case of a first offender while a second offender would be expelled from the school.

Jonathan’s victory: Experts see stability in economy

Monday business report
Jonathan’s victory: Experts see stability in economy
Monday, January 17, 2011•
Source: Sun News

Economic experts have predicted economic stability for Nigeria after the Peoples Democratic Party’s ( PDP) presidential primaries which saw incumbent, President Goodluck Jonathan emerge as winner. Economic experts are of the view that pressure on foreign reserves will reduce going forward, allowing for resumption of reserve accumulation and influencing political and economic sentiments positively.
Regional head of research Africa, Standard Chartered Bank London,Ms Razia Khan in her analysis of the state of the economy after the PDP primaries, stated that part of the reason for the continued depletion of the Excess Crude Account (ECA) with its consequence of falling external reserves , even after relative stabilisation in both oil prices and output; was due to substantial rise in government spending which observers argue was a background lobbying that was needed to secure victory.
Available data shows that over $20 billion was left in the ECA at the end of the previous administration but as at date, this has been completely depleted leaving less than $300 million in the account. “But now that the PDP primary election is over, relative stability is expected,” Khan submitted.She further maintained that Jonathan’s victory is another antidote needed for the restive Niger Delta. According to the economist, there will be calm in the oil rich region, positively impacting Nigeria’s oil output.
Earlier, a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Nigeria Dr. Doyin Salami in predicting the state of the economy after PDP primaries, hinted that the country’s economic fundamentals will continue the way it is untill the April 2011general election was over.
While the administration had stated that the reduction in reserves was attributable to the increased demand for foreign exchange in line with increased economic activity by the public and private sectors, including the outlays on the power sector by the three tiers of government, and the seed money for the Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF), other economic fundamentals according to observers are a mixture of positives and negatives.
For instance, while fuel distribution and pricing have stabilized, power generation remains below the 6000-mega watts target of the government in 2010. The planned borrowing from external and domestic sources by the Federal Government during the 2011 Fiscal year, is listed as a source of funding the 2011 deficit to the tune of N865.24billion in the Revenue and Expenditure Framework; a development some analysts said was an indicator that the public sector will continue its crowding out effect on access to credit by the private sector and banks will continue to be risk averse.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Peoples Democratic Party's presidential 2011

By Ini Ekott
President Goodluck Jonathan on Friday won the Peoples Democratic Party's presidential primaries. His victory came after a spirited contest with former vice president, Atiku Abubakar, and veteran aspirant, Sarah Jubril.
Tunde Adeniran, the Chief Returning Officer of the party who declared the result said out of the total valid vote of 3, 542, Mr Jonathan pulled 2, 736 while his closest rival Mr Atiku scored 805. Sarah Jubril got only one vote.
Defeat at home
The significant loss for Mr. Abubakar was in his home state of Adamawa where Mr. Jonathan scored a whopping 76 votes to Mr. Abubakar's paltry 31. Mr. Jonathan in his home state of Bayelsa got all the 67 votes of the delegates.
Last night at the Eagles Square where the event held, Mr. Abubakar, for the umpteenth time, furiously deplored alleged disrespect for the party's zoning policy by his "main opponent", Mr. Jonathan, a theme that has stood central to Mr. Abubakar's months of campaign, and laced his last speech to the delegates, and the nation, shortly before the voting began.
"In 2002, an expanded caucus of our great party met and reaffirmed that policy," he read from a prepared speech.
"My main opponent was at that meeting and voted in favour of that resolution. He signed as number 35 on the list. Today, he pretends that that meeting never took place and that the resolution never happened.
"Yet, he would not summon a meeting of our party to discuss that issue and if deemed appropriate jettison it. In fact, on October 27, 2010, he publicly declared that zoning does not exist in our party. Talk about throwing away the ladder that got you up there! That is not the kind of person you would entrust the fate of this country," Mr. Abubakar said.
In a bellicose speech, he warned that "If rules can be thrown away by just anyone who feels that he is powerful enough to do so, then it is an invitation to lawlessness and anarchy. Nobody wants that.
"Our word must be our bond. But my main opponent believes in doing things simply because it is convenient. He does not seem to care if the country is thrown into chaos and anarchy as long as he remains in power. This is dangerous," he stressed.
The long-awaited event earlier billed for 10am yesterday, set off later actually late afternoon amid strict security presence that frisked every entrant to the venue ranging from party locals from the states, governors, and federal lawmakers.
Officials of the State Security Service, police, Civil Defence Corps, mounted security with sniffing dogs and bomb detectors while two police helicopters hovered above the venue as the event held.
After a long wait, Mr. Abubakar and Mr. Jonathan arrived at 4.22pm and 5.30pm respectively, long after Ms. Jubril had arrived and taken a seat up front within the glassed compartment. The president, walking apart with his wife, Patience, sauntered in and shook hands with both contenders before the events began seven minutes later.
After months of intense campaign of harsh rhetoric between the two main aspirants, the convention provided the chance for a face-to-face meeting between the current president and the former vice president.
Both men spoke after Ms. Jubril, who rallied the women folk to set in a new era of equal balance in politics between both genders.
Full of energy and appeals to the women and underprivileged in society, she says with a female president, Nigeria will not be considered a corrupt country any more. She dubbed herself ‘Mama President' and ends her address with a rendition of ‘We shall overcome'.
That set the stage for Mr. Abubakar, who for a while after a confrontational beginning, directed his address to appealing to delegates and Nigerians to view him as the tool for a change, promising jobs, better security, power, education, and peace in the Niger Delta.
Mr. Jonathan paid tribute to the late Mr. Yar'Adua first as he began a speech that clearly cashed in the temperamental start of his chief challenger.
"I will not join issues with anybody because I believe Nigerians know all of us and our history and they will choose who they like," he said.
"Dear delegates, if you give me and Architect Namadi Sambo your mandate, we will give this country a strong leadership and we will never let you down," he added.
He said Mr. Abubakar's, whom he referred to as "some other contributors" questioning of insecurity in the Niger Delta, was misplaced since rising oil output in the region showed that security in the area had improved.
"I will give this country a strong, strong leadership to be a greater nation," he said.


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