Monday, January 24, 2011

Can Two People have the same Fingerprints? INEC and the general public should take note,

Can Two People have the same Fingerprints? (the ten fingers, both left & right to be the same)

Two people cannot have the same fingerprints. So far as  forensic science has been able to determine, not even identical twins have exactly matched fingerprints. This helps makes the analysis of fingerprints still one of the main means in which to identify people involved in a crime.

Though fingerprints cannot be identical, they can, in fact be very similar. Two identical twins, for example will have fingerprints that to the naked eye might appear identical. In fact some fingerprint characteristics may be a result of  genetics. Thus it may be possible to preliminarily identify familial ties by examining the fingerprints of close family members

On 22.01.11 a similar case but very critical to that of our Ex - Nigerian president Obansojo  happen at a voter registration center close to my house.

I discovered that is very possible for two difference person to have the same finger print. the question is that is true? or can we say that the scanning machine is not working proper?

A young man who came to registered for voter card, at the process of registration the it was detected by the machine that this young man finger print have registered some where before. But the young man declined that he has not done this excess before. The same scanning was carry out for the second time, the machine also detected that this same finger print.

But at the long run the INEC officer decided to view the picture, this picture turn out to be an old man who own the house where this excess is being carry out.

With out any further effort this young man move out vigorously to his house. Now this implied that he cannot vote and excess his civil responsibility/right (in one way or the other he has been disenfranchised from 2011 election) 

In a nutshell: INEC should take some lapses in to consideration and provide a corrective mechanism to tackle such deficiency whereby people can not register due to lack of man power, bad machine programming, substandard INEC officers and other difficulties that may deny any body from registration.

To my our view every citizen of Nigeria have right to and be voted for

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